However, given the rise of remote work and the multitude of information accessible from our personal devices, securing our phones, tablets, and PCs is more important than ever before. Endpoint detection sounds like something a business ought to focus on, but it’s especially relevant for personal devices as well. Here are 4 reasons you need sophisticated endpoint detection technology securing your smartphone and personal devices.

Privacy Invasion

Data privacy is a huge topic these days, given how our data is used in advertising. While the majority of data collected rests in the hands of ad networks, there is a significant volume of malicious actors looking to leverage personal data when planning a cyberattack. Information gleaned from your social media posts can be used to target you for theft, for instance.

Privacy InvasionIdentity TheftMalware and VirusesSophisticated Solutions for Sophisticated Devices

There are also other ways your personal data can compromise your online experience. By analyzing browsing patterns and the websites you visit, a malicious actor can create fake pages or phishing campaigns to lure you into providing compromising details that they can use to steal money from you. Endpoint detection systems such as the one from ReasonLabs keep track of your browsing activities and scan your online access channels for threats that monitor your usage. For instance, if an attacker places a file on your desktop that tracks your social media posts, ReasonLabs’ RAV ML Engine will immediately root it out and render it ineffective. In most cases, such files will never make it past the system in the first place. These days, sophisticated endpoint detection systems use AI to learn your usage patterns and detect anomalies in your online behavior. For instance, if there are an unusually large number of programs running in the background on your computer, the RAV ML Engine can compare this to historical patterns and investigate further. Systems like these prevent unauthorized usage and kill any stealth threats that lurk on your computer.

Identity Theft

Personal Identification Information or PII is the most sensitive subset of data we possess. These data sets contain sensitive information such as our financial details, government identification numbers, medical records, and so on. Hackers routinely try to steal such information from the databases of large companies and hold them to ransom. Needless to say, hackers target personal devices for such information as well. The key to securing PII data is to assume a proactive stance. This stance implies that a system must proactively scan the web and networks the device accesses for threats. In addition, a good endpoint detection system will keep track of the evolving nature of threats. For instance, many cyber attackers repeatedly test a device’s security by deploying threats against it. As each attack is repelled, the attacker learns more about the security system surrounding the device. Eventually, they amass enough data to infiltrate the system. Systems such as the RAV ML Engine can detect such attacks since they occur in patterns. By proactively scanning vulnerabilities and detecting potential attacks, you can rest assured that your PII is always safe and secure.

Malware and Viruses

Malware protection is standard in most devices these days. However, the rise of AI has left standard malware protection almost obsolete. This is because AI-driven malware morphs and mutates to the point where traditional cybersecurity systems cannot identify these softwares. The only way to combat malware like this is to use AI within your endpoint detection system. AI-driven endpoint systems, like the one from ReasonLabs, use a template mechanism to detect possible malware and secure a network or device. For instance, if a potential threat is found, the system can refer to its database of templates to track similarities and flag any potential issues. As the cloud-based database of templates is constantly updated, device protection becomes more robust. It’s like having an intelligent endpoint detection assistant in your pocket that constantly has access to the latest information that could threaten your security online. Needless to say, the RAV ML Engine can scan thousands of files and records quickly to identify potential threats. This means there is no performance lag or any delay in flagging threats. These days, attackers are using ever more sophisticated phishing campaigns via email to lure people into downloading virus-infected files. Phishing is particularly effective since it infiltrates a system through email. User permission is inherent in the process and this circumvents many traditional security platforms. However, an AI-powered endpoint protection platform can detect user operation patterns and flag potential weaknesses that might arise from it. For instance, the system could flag phishing as an attack vector that you are particularly vulnerable to and pay close attention to the files you receive via email. Thanks to this, you’re always assured of top-notch security.

Sophisticated Solutions for Sophisticated Devices

As our personal devices become more sophisticated than ever, we must ensure cyber protection keeps pace. The list of threats online grows only bigger, and a robust endpoint detection system is the key to preserving safety and data privacy online.