It’s fascinating how technology moves at a fast pace. Ever wondered what else will be invented 30 to 40 years from now? With all the luxuries and conveniences we are enjoying right now, it’s overwhelming to think what else is in store for humanity. Technology will keep on advancing as long as we exist.  Let’s just take 3D printers for example. Who would have thought we could make rapid prototypes of almost everything right from home? This new generation of the machine can print pretty much anything from high-heeled shoes, and even the face of a human fetus from an ultrasound image. Technology makes it easy for us to turn our visions into reality.  Aside from this, here are a few more ways technology can improve our daily lives. We are blessed that technology exists. Without it our lives would not be as easy as it is today. The goal of technology is to solve our problems and it does. As humans, our only role is to use these things responsibly.