Last week Anonymous had been hacking into Twitter accounts of ISIS supporters and flooding them with images of scantily-clad women in suggestive poses and using porn bots to follow such accounts. However, post the gruesome Orlando killings, Anonymous has decided to take the hacking a  little further and bombard the ISIS Twitter accounts with rainbows which is a symbol of gay pride. In the wake of the Orlando killings at Pulse nightclub at the weekend, an Anonymous have started flooding the Twitter accounts of ISIS and their affiliates with images of men in bed together, rainbow flags and pro-gay statements. Anonymous have decided to replace militant propaganda messages and imagery with rainbow flags, pro-LGBT messages and links to same-sex pornography.

— WauchulaGhost (@WauchulaGhost) June 14, 2016 WauchulaGhost told Newsweek:

— WauchulaGhost (@WauchulaGhost) June 14, 2016

— WauchulaGhost (@WauchulaGhost) June 14, 2016 WauchulaGhost has been pretty successful in this campaign with Ebony and Yeti, who between them have taken control of over 200 Twitter accounts belonging to ISIS supporters to flood them with LGBT symbols.