Making the Windows Driver Frameworks source code public, the MSDN Blog states that the repo is now live and can be accessed here. Microsoft says that it has made source code public because it wants interested users to debug their drivers with it. It hopes that the source code will give developers, students and other interested users a knowledge of what the framework does. Microsoft said that it has published the source code behind KMDF and UMDF v2. It has invited users to file bug test these source codes and report the bugs they find on GitHub repo issue tracking. it goes on to add, “Still, we understand there’s no substitute for having OS source available. That’s why we’ve published the source behind WDF for anyone to dig through and debug their drivers with. This gives developers transparency into exactly what the framework does as their drivers interact with it. We encourage you to download the source and try stepping through it with the kernel debugger.” Microsoft said that it knew that the developer community was keen to make contributions to the framework however at present they wont accept contributions sent via GitHub pull requests. However, it said, it may start accepting them in near future. If you want you can also download the set of the newly launched  Windows 10 drivers samples here. The WinHEC is taking place in Shenzhen, China and will end today.