Making the announcement in a blogpost on Friday, OnePlus said that its customers and fans in India can continue to receive software updates the Cyanogen OS which powers its OnePlus One smartphones. The post also said that all legal proceedings have been resolved and Micromax has withdrawn all the cases through mutual consent. Announcing the news via a press statement, Vikas Agarwal, General Manager – India, OnePlus said, “OnePlus remains vindicated of the recent trials and tribulations that have surrounded the company due to legal tussle with Micromax over exclusivity on CyanogenOS. We are happy to confirm that all ‘OnePlus One‘ users in India will continue to receive OTA updates from Cyanogen in-line with our users in markets around of the world.” India is one of the big markets for OnePlus it accounting for 7 percent OnePlus One shipments in the last year. Readers may note that the Delhi High Court had barred OnePlus from importing, marketing and selling its flagship smartphone in India in December last year after Micromax sought a temporary injunction against the company. Micromax had argued that OnePlus had infringed upon the exclusive rights acquired from “ambient services and application distributions agreement” with Cyanogen. Cyanogen supported Micromax by stating that it had granted exclusive license to Micromax to distribute smartphones based on its Cyanogen OS through Yu brand. Cyanogen, which had a running agreement with OnePlus for a similar reason for distributing Cyanogen throughout the world excluding China, terminated the agreement with OnePlus before Micromax launched the Yu brand of smartphones. Cyanogen has recently announced a strategic partnership with Truecaller and under the terms of the deal, all Cyanogen OS powered smartphones will get web enabled caller ID. Sneak peek OnePlus One specs: – Display: 5.5-inch, 1080p full HD resolution – OS: Android KitKat-based Cyanogen 11S (Lollipop-based Cyanogen OS 12 released) – Processor: 2.5GHz quad core Snapdragon 801 – GPU: Adreno 330 – Memory: 3GB RAM, 64GB/16GB storage (not expandable) – Camera: 13MP rear, 5MP front – Battery: 3100mAh Besides, recent teaser suggests Micromax is all set to release its next Cyanogen OS smartphone “Yu Yuphoria” on May 12.